2023 Faculty Research and Creative Scholars Expo


Greetings! I am Dr. Julye Bidmead, director of Chapman’s Center for Undergraduate Excellence and I welcome you to the Faculty Research and Creative Scholars Expo.

The Faculty Research and Creative Scholars Expo is an annual event that brings together Chapman’s illustrious faculty from across the campus.  This year, faculty members from all disciplines were invited to share their current scholarly and creative activity with the Chapman community. The Expo allows faculty to showcase the scholarly work they are doing outside the classroom and gives students and faculty alike the potential to develop exciting collaborations together.

At this open house, each faculty member has a linked platform that displays their research/creative work, recent publications, and other information. 

Faculty Research and Creative Scholars Expo is an exciting event that highlights the vibrant intellectual community here at Chapman. We welcome you to explore boldly and discover anything imaginable!

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