AH 329 Black Subjects in White Art History: Fall 2020

The Sexualization and Politicization of the Black Female Body

Is there a history of sexualization and politicization of the black female butt? Like every current micro-aggression and straight-up racist remark, this too has its root in the oppression of black women. We aim to discuss this trend and thread of past depictions of black women in art history as well as the current ways black women are portraying themselves in the media. Are we getting closer to liberation? Tune in to find out!

Desmond, Matthew. “In Order to Understand the Brutality of American Capitalism, You Have to Start on the Plantation.” New York Times. August
14, 2019.

Willis, Deborah, and Carla Williams. Black Venus, 2010: They Called Her "Hottentot". Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 2010.

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