Hostile Terrain 94: A Project by the Undocumented Migration Project at Chapman University

Hostile Terrain 94 by the Undocumented Migration Project at Chapman University

Hostile Terrain 94 (HT94) is a participatory art project sponsored and organized by the Undocumented Migration Project (UMP), a non-profit research-art-education-media collective, directed by anthropologist Jason De León. The exhibition is composed of ~3,200 handwritten toe tags that represent migrants who have died trying to cross the Sonoran Desert of Arizona between the mid-1990s and 2019. These tags are geolocated on a wall map of the desert showing the exact locations where remains were found. This installation will simultaneously take place at a large number of institutions, both nationally and globally in 2020.

Timelapse Install Hostile Terrain 94 at Chapman University

Participants at Chapman University:
Kelli Chamberlain, Ryan Chan, Jake Chow, Bernadine Cortina, Missy Glover, Coco Hollings, Tina Huynh, Leena Khan, Jasmine Kim, Michael Liu, Hung Le, Kanako Monsen, Arvind Mudaliar, Ryan Nakahara, Rinny Nguyen, Annie Okuhara, Michael Pepito, Rosie Rady, Colette Tagayun, Tristan Thoney, Arya Vajpayee, Jerry Zou, Timothy Tan, Henry Littleworth 
Kristina Uyehara S8, Davis Mau, Nathan Kline, Jordan Diaz, Tyler Yang, Colette Grob, Brenden Goo, Jolie Stieneker, Sam Castellanoso, Kristen Lee, Cameron Mannen, Carter Garfinkel, Brandon Raymundo, Krishna Narayan, Jaelyn Duran, Wolfgang Sakamaki, Braden Joe, Julian Nguyen, Anna Belle Rodriguez, Isabelle Fabrizio, Celeste Rock, Paul Gutierrez, Gabriella Brandom, Helena Swaton, Eli Weiss, Mitchell Ratliff, Anna Baermann, Michael Harsema, Daniela Ramirez, Camille Stedman, Miles Lewis, Valentina Riffel, Stella Anderson, Magdelyn O’Callaghan, Hannah Nesheiwat, Tessa Connell, Makenna Bear, Davey Cooper, Sandra Bouissou, Makeo Wallin, Spencer Loewen, Stacy Uriarte, Tyler Hussey, Wendy Medina Herrera, Martina Gill, Katheryne Rodriguez

special thanks: 
Talisa Flores, Jessica Bocinski, Winston Andrus, Nguyen Tran, Elizabeth La Scalza, Kai Terrell, Ashley Lee, Rithu Gurazada, Marisa  Quezada, Javari Hunt, Haleluya Wondwosen, Shreya Sheth, Mallory Warhurst, Prof. Lindsay Shen, Prof. Ruben Espinoza, Prof. Joshua Liashenko, Prof. Andrew McGrath, Prof. Erin Gould, Prof. Kyle Rush-Harp, Prof. Manuel Galaviz

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