Morgan Grimes
Morgan Grimes
Who are We to Harness the Power of the Universe?
I am a Chemistry, Biology, and Studio Art triple major. Science is an incredible field that continues to build on itself and often aims to explore and explain what is unseen. Atoms, the building blocks of the universe, are mostly empty space, more than 99% empty space. This anomaly is just one of many that fuels my curiosity about the world and how it works, aiming to explain the unexplainable, and see the unseen. This visual understanding of science is where my art practice begins. In my art practice I strive to share my curiosity, and to visualize the world of science. I am a multimedia artist, working in mediums such as drawing, painting, photography, sculpture, and digital media.
The history of nuclear power is one of great triumph and great loss. Many advancements have been made since Marie Curie won the Nobel prize in 1911, but also many tragedies have occurred. Two of the largest and most impactful nuclear accidents occurred in Chernobyl, Ukraine, and Fukushima, Japan, in 1986 and 2011 respectfully. Occurring nearly 30 years apart, they represent the shortcomings of nuclear power and how much humans as a whole have to learn. With this work I will strive to highlight these two disasters in a way that is intriguing and informative.
Marie Curie was a scientist in France in the lath 19th and early 20th century. She was one of a small group of scientist spread across Europe who made ground-breaking discoveries about radioactivity. The discovery and scientific exploration of radioactivity laid a foundation for many past and modern-day technologies. One of the most impactful uses of the science of radioactivity in human history has been nuclear power.
For my exhibition I will create an informative and immersive experience. This exhibition is set up in the upstairs gallery in order to create a closed off space and in order to control the lighting more accurately. The room contains both the vitrines and a video. The vitrines are lined up directly across from the viewer and are the first thing seen as the room is entered. The tombstones for each of the paintings is visible, but in relatively small font, inviting the viewer to move closer to the pieces. This intimacy shows the viewer the details and importance of the paintings and information given in the tombstones. The video is an animated film of the radioactive contamination left behind from Chernobyl and Fukushima superimposed on a map to show the extent of the contamination of the disasters. These paintings are of mutated flowers and in addition to using regular acrylic paint, clear UV paint will be applied to highlight the radiation that causes mutations.
The flowers chosen for the paintings are from both Japan and the Ukraine. In order to immerse the paintings and reveal the phosphorescent paint UV floodlights are turned on for 1 min in a sequence that repeats every 50 min. The UV lights turn on on the 50, 25, 12, 6, 3, and 1 min marks. These times represent the release of radiation by radioactive elements and how long they remain radioactive. As time goes on radioactive elements release their radiation and eventually become benign. The amount of time that it takes for the elements to release half the radiation is referred to as the half-life.
The paintings of the mutated flowers are presented on metal sheeting to represent the protection that is often needed to protect against radiation, most commonly lead plating. These discs will be presented hanging on the wall encased in sealed vitrines. The sealing of the vitrines will add to the danger that is represented within the images.
The pieces in this exhibition are presented in a dark atmosphere in order to highlight the pieces more fully as well as to give contrast to the UV and neon paints used in the pieces. The exhibition as a whole will feel both mysterious and intriguing as the viewer will need to move around the space and view the images closely. The pieces also feature Japanese and Ukrainian writing which may incite the viewer to delve deeper into the exhibition to understand it. The low lighting and the glow of the paintings adds to the eerie feeling of the exhibit.'
April 26, 1986:
26 квітня 1986 року
The Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster happened on April 26th, 1986 at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant near Pripyat Ukraine. The nuclear reactor began construction in 1972 and was operational by 1977. There were 4 operational reactors at the plant when the disaster occurred. The Chernobyl nuclear disaster occurred at reactor 4 and is consistently rated as the worst nuclear disaster in history, in both damage costs and loss of life. The reactors were RMBK reactors which used graphite tipped control rods and concrete containment of the core rather than steel. The 1986 reactor 4 disaster was not the first incident to occur at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and was not the last.
Чорнобильська ядерна катастрофа сталася 26 квітня 1986 року на Чорнобильській АЕС поблизу Прип'яті, Україна. Ядерний реактор розпочав будівництво в 1972 році і був відкритий в 1977 році. На момент аварії станція мала 4 діючих реактора. Чорнобильська ядерна катастрофа сталася в реакторі 4, і це найстрашніша ядерна катастрофа в історії як з точки зору збитків, так і людських втрат. Реакторами були реактори RMBK, в яких використовуються графітові контрольні стрижні та бетонні оболонки, а не сталь. Аварія на реакторі 4 у 1986 році стала не першим інцидентом на Чорнобильській АЕС і не останнім.
INES Level 7:
INES Рівень 7
At the Chernobyl nuclear power plant a 1982 safety test showed a 1 minute break in power to the cooling systems should power ever be lost in the plant. This was determined to be a potentially disastrous and safety tests in order to find a solution to the problem were run in 1982, 1984, and 1985. All of them failed to provide an adequate solution to the problem. On Friday April 25th, 1986 a 4th safety test was supposed to be run, but an unexpected 10-hour delay lead to the test being run on April 26th with a less experienced crew.
На Чорнобильській атомній електростанції тест 1982 року на безпеку показав 1 хвилину перерви в системі охолодження, якщо в електростанції колись буде втрачено потужність. Це було визначено як потенційно згубне, і випробування на безпеку з метою пошуку рішення були проведені в 1982, 1984 та 1985 рр. Усі вони не змогли надати адекватне рішення проблеми. У п'ятницю, 25 квітня 1986 року, повинен був бути проведений 4-й тест на безпеку, але несподівана 10-годинна затримка призвела до того, що 26 квітня його проведуть з менш досвідченим екіпажем.
3700 MegaWatts:
3700 мегават
On April 26th, 1986 at approximately 1:23 AM the safety test began. The test involved disabling some of the safety systems in place for the nuclear reactor. First the power in the nuclear reactor was reduced, but an unexpected loss of power dropped the reactor to nearly 0. The operators were able to restore partial power, but it is likely the reactor was then unstable. The operators were unaware and continued with the test. At 1:23:40 the emergency shutdown button was pressed and the control rods were inserted into the reactor core. Seconds later reactor 4 exploded.
26 квітня 1986 року приблизно о 23:23 розпочався тест на безпеку. Випробування включали відключення деяких систем безпеки ядерних реакторів. Спочатку потужність ядерного реактора була зменшена, але несподівана втрата потужності впала в реактор майже до 0. Операторам вдалося відновити часткову потужність, але, ймовірно, реактор тоді був нестабільним. Оператори не знали про це і продовжили тест. О 1:23:40 була натиснута кнопка аварійної зупинки і штанги управління були вставлені в активну зону реактора. Через кілька секунд реактор 4 вибухнув.
RMBK-1000 Reactor:
Реактор РБМК-1000
After the initial explosion of reactor 4, radiation was released for about 9 days. There was a secondary hydrogen explosion as well as graphite fires. Radioactive graphite was ejected from the core. Firefighters were sent in with little to no protective gear to try to extinguish the fires. In some areas they were exposed to a lethal dose of radiation in less than a minute. The reactor core burned for nearly 3 weeks. The radioactive fallout spread nearly all of Europe. An exclusion zone was set up around Chernobyl, which eventually expanded to 30 km, and is still in place today. Over 100,000 people were evacuated from the area.
Після первинного вибуху реактора 4 випромінювання випускалося близько 9 днів. Стався вторинний вибух водню, а також графітові пожежі. З ядра викинувся радіоактивний графіт. Пожежників відправили майже без захисних споряджень, щоб спробувати загасити пожежі. У деяких районах вони зазнали летальної дози опромінення менш ніж за хвилину. Ядро реактора горіло майже 3 тижні. Радіоактивні випадіння поширилися майже по всій Європі. Навколо Чорнобиля була створена зона відчуження, яка врешті-решт розширилася до 30 км і діє донині. З цього району евакуювали понад 100 000 людей.
30km Exclusion Zones:
30 км зони відчуження
After the explosion of reactor 4 many efforts were made to try to seal and contain the radiation leakage from the core. Over 5,000 tonnes of sand, lead, and clay were dropped over the reactor in an attempt to neutralize it. It was found later that nearly none of these attempts reached the reactor core. In December of 1986 a concrete sarcophagus was built to encase the reactor and limit the radioactive leakage. As this one began to deteriorate, a second metal sarcophagus was constructed in 2017.
Після вибуху реактора 4 було докладено багато зусиль, щоб спробувати ущільнити та стримати витоки випромінювання з активної зони реактора. Понад 5000 тонн піску, свинцю та глини було скинуто над реактором, намагаючись знешкодити його. Пізніше було встановлено, що майже жодна із цих спроб не дійшла до активної зони реактора. У грудні 1986 року для закриття реактора та обмеження витоку радіоактивних речовин був побудований бетонний саркофаг. Коли він почав руйнуватися, у 2017 році був побудований другий металевий саркофаг.
300 Sv/h:
After the disaster at Chernobyl reactor number 4, the other 3 reactors at the site continued in operation until 2000. There was a second incident, a turbine fire at reactor 2, in 1991. The plant is still in the process of being decommissioned and the nuclear cleanup and decontamination of the area is scheduled to be completed by 2065. Overall the Chernobyl disaster released about 12,000 PBq of radiation from multiple radioactive isotopes including Ceasium-137, Iodine-131, Strontium-90, and Plutonium-241.
Після вибуху на чорнобильському реакторі № 4 інші 3 реактори на цьому майданчику продовжували працювати до 2000 року. а ядерне очищення та знезараження району планується завершити до 2065 року. Загалом внаслідок Чорнобильської катастрофи було викинуто близько 12 000 PBq випромінювання від багатьох радіоактивних ізотопів, включаючи цезій-137, йод-131, стронцій-90 та плутоній-241.
335,000 People:
335 000 Людей
The explosion lead to the creation of the famous Elephant’s Foot, a large radioactive mass of uranium, titanium, zirconium, and other radioactive elements, It was discovered in December of 1986 and at the time it was releasing nearly 8,000 roentgens or 80 grays per hour, releasing a 50/50 lethal dose every 5 minutes. The mass was discovered to be nearly indestructible. By 1998 the outer layers had begun to turn to dust and began to crack. As of 2016 the mass had not been found to have moved much and was only slightly warmer than the environment.
Вибух призвів до створення знаменитої слонської лапи, великої радіоактивної маси урану, титану, цирконію та інших радіоактивних елементів. Це було виявлено в грудні 1986 року. На той час він виробляв майже 8000 рентгенів або 80 сірих на годину, виділяючи смертельну дозу 50/50 кожні 5 хвилин. Маса була майже незнищенна. До 1998 року зовнішні шари почали перетворюватися в пил і почали тріскатися. Станом на 2016 рік маса мало рухалася і була лише трохи теплішою за навколишнє середовище.
March 11, 2011:
The Fukushima nuclear disaster occurred at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Okuma, Fukushima, Japan. The Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant was hit by an earthquake and subsequent tsunami on March 11, 2011. The Fukushima power plant disaster was originally classified by the International Nuclear Event Scale, but was eventually increased to a level 7, the highest classification. There are six reactors at the Fukushima power plant, three of which had meltdowns in the subsequent days. The plant began construction in 1976 and was fully operational by 1982. The plant was not fully decommissioned until 2019.
福島原発事故は、日本の大熊町にある福島第一原子力発電所で発生しました。 福島原子力発電所は、2011年3月11日に地震とそれに続く津波に見舞われました。福島原子力発電所の事故は、当初は国際原子力発電所の規模で分類されていましたが、最終的には最高の分類であるレベル7に引き上げられました。 福島発電所には6基の原子炉があり、そのうち3基はその後数日で溶融した。 プラントは1976年に建設を開始し、1982年までに完全に稼働しました。プラントは2019年まで完全に廃止されませんでした。
INES Level 7:
The Fukushima nuclear disaster was set into motion by the Tohoku earthquake and subsequent tsunami. The Tohoku earthquake is the 4th largest in history and was a 9.1 in magnitude using the Richter scale. The earthquake was so large that its effects were felt worldwide. The earthquake caused Honshu, the main island of Japan to move to the east 2.4 meters, or 8 feet. It was also so large in magnitude that it shifted the Earth’s axis by 10-25 cm and increased the Earth’s rotational speed by 1.8 microseconds per day.
4546 MegaWatts:
The Tohoku earthquake caused a tsunami to hit Japan nearly 50 minutes later. The waves of the tsunami reached a maximum height of 40.5 meters tall, this was over the height of the seawalls built to protect the nuclear reactors. The earthquake created G forces on the nuclear power plant above the tolerable amount for reactor units 2,3, and 5. The earthquake caused an emergency shutdown of the three units that were in operation at the time, 1,2, and 3.
BWR-3 and BWR-4 Reactors:
The Tohoku earthquake initially caused an emergency shutdown of reactor units 1,2, and 3. The SCRAM emergency shut off was initiated and the control rods were inserted into the reactor core in order to stop the reaction. Although the reactors were no longer operating the coolant pumps were still necessary to counteract the decay heat from the reactor. Since the reactors were now shut down and could not produce power for the coolant pumps, emergency diesel generators came online to supply the power.
20 km Exclusion Zone:
The earthquake initial shut down the nuclear reactors, causing backup diesel generators to come online. If the tragedy had ended here then the nuclear reactors would have had substantial power to continue operation until they could be safely operated again. Unfortunately, the tsunami that struck 50 minutes later knocked out the emergency generators for units 1 through 5. Unit 6 was able to produce power for both unit 5 and 6, but units 1-4 had lost power and could no longer power the coolant pumps. As the units lost all cooling capabilities, and they began to heat up.
530 Sv/h:
After both the earthquake and the tsunami the plants had lost all cooling capability, and began to heat up rapidly due to decay heat. After multiple attempts to bring in other generators and restore power failed, the reactors had been without coolant for many hours. A hydrogen explosion occurred in unit 1 on March 12, unit 3 on March 14, and unit 4 on March 15. These explosions damaged the reactor cores and the fuel began to melt through the core and come to a rest at the bottom of the primary containment vessels.
154,000 People:
The damaged nuclear reactors at Fukushima leaked radioactive materials into both the atmosphere and the ocean. 100-500 petabecquerels of iodine-131 and 5-20 PBq of ceasium-137 were released into the atmosphere. 10-20 PBq of iodine-131, and 3-6 PBq of caesium-137 were released into the ocean. As the currents and tides moved in the ocean the radioactive materials were detectable on the shores of the United States. After the initial damage and explosions the nuclear reactor was not found to be leaking further radiation into the environment.
福島の原子炉は放射性物質を大気と海の両方に漏らした。100-500ペタベクレルのヨウ素-131および5-20 PBqのセアシウム-137が大気中に放出された。ヨウ素-131の10-20 PBq、およびセシウム-137の3-6 PBqが海洋に放出された。海の流れや潮が海に流れ込む中、放射性物質は米国の海岸で検出可能でした。最初の損傷と爆発の後、原子炉は環境にさらなる放射線を漏らしていることが判明しませんでした。
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This page references:
- Who are We to Harness the Power of the Universe? Installationview
- Who are We to Harness the Power of the Universe? Video
- Реактор РБМК-1000; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”2
- Who are We to Harness the Power of the Universe? Installationview
- Who are We to Harness the Power of the Universe? Installationview
- 335 000 Людей; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”
- 26 квітня 1986 року; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”, INES Рівень 7; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”, 3700 мегават; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”
- INES Рівень 7; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”B
- 335 000 Людей; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”b
- 20km立入禁止区域; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”b2
- Реактор РБМК-1000; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”, 30 км зони відчуження; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”, 300 Sv/h; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”
- INES Рівень 7; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”B2
- 335 000 Людей; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”b2
- 530 Sv/h; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”2
- 335 000 Людей; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”, 2011年3月11日; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”
- 3700 мегават; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”B
- INESレベル7; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”
- 530 Sv/h; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”b
- INESレベル7; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”, 4546メガワット; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”, BWR-3およびBWR-4原子炉; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”
- INESレベル7; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”b
- 530 Sv/h; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”b2
- 20km立入禁止区域; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”, 530 Sv/h; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”, 154,000人; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”
- Реактор РБМК-1000; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”B
- 4546メガワット; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”
- 154,000人; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”2
- 26 квітня 1986 року; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”
- 30 км зони відчуження; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”
- 4546メガワット; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”b
- 154,000人; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”b
- INES Рівень 7; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”
- 30 км зони відчуження; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”B
- BWR-3およびBWR-4原子炉; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”
- 154,000人; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”b2
- 3700 мегават; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”
- 300 Sv/h; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”
- BWR-3およびBWR-4原子炉; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”b
- 3700 мегават; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10” (2)
- 300 Sv/h; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”b1
- BWR-3およびBWR-4原子炉; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”b2
- 26 квітня 1986 року; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”B
- 300 Sv/h; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”b2
- 20km立入禁止区域; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”
- 26 квітня 1986 року; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”B2
- 20km立入禁止区域; 2021 Acrylic on Aluminum 10” x 10”b