2023 Faculty Research and Creative Scholars Expo

Dr. Jennifer Robineette

Email: robinette@chapman.edu
Website: https://rb.gy/rmwc5
Crean College of Health and Behavioral Sciences

Overview of scholarly research/creative activity:
Work in this lab involves secondary analysis of multiple large national surveys to investigate people’s subjective experience of neighborhood environments and their direct exposure to neighborhood hazards and resources, which are associated with a myriad of psychosocial, physical, and cognitive outcomes.

Specific projects working on:
One line of research tests questions about the degree to which people’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors partially explain links between neighborhoods and residents’ health. Another line of research involves the analysis of gene x environment interactions, investigating whether neighborhood hazards ‘trigger,’ and neighborhood resources ‘offset’ genetic risk for adverse health outcomes. The primary aims of the research in this lab are to identify modifiable aspects of people’s environments, determine the degree to which these environmental factors are causally linked to health, and to predict whether some people are more vulnerable to adverse neighborhood environments than others. Each of these aims serve the overall purpose of understanding how to live longer lives in optimal health.

Number of students looking to work with:

When students are needed:
Fall 2023
Spring 2024

What students need to work with Dr. Robinette:
Willing and able to meet individually and in a group with other students, learn to conduct statistical analysis and interpret results, and commit to at least two semesters in the lab.

What students would be doing:
Identify unique research questions related to the faculty member's area of expertise, conduct literature reviews and statistical analysis (training in analysis is part of the experience provided in the lab).

Time commitment for students:
Weekly 1-hour group lab meetings, occasional one-on-one meetings, and generally three hours a week of time in the lab per each unit of course credit.

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