Dr. Kathy Thibault
Website: https://chapmancirclead.wordpress.com/
College: Dodge College of Film and Media Studies
Overview of scholarly research/creative activity:
The AAF's Nationals Student Advertising Competition is the most widely recognized college advertising competition in which 2,000+ college students compete to create for a real-world corporate client a comprehensive strategic advertising/marketing/media campaign. Working with students, a whole campaign is created for the competition.
Specific projects working on:
As the advisor for Chapman's National Student Advertising Competition team, the overarching project goals are to guide, manage and instruct the team toward development of a comprehensive advertising/marketing/media campaign that is consumer focused and insight driven. Beyond that what goes into that overarching goal include strategic development in the fall which includes a national representative quantitative survey targeting that year's client "ask" for the campaign and based on the audience they desire to reach. Other research methodologies that typically are included are sentiment testing, ethnographic research, observational research, intercept interviews, focus groups, and more. We utilize two proprietary tools, Rompé and Big Idea Weekend, to further both the strategic-focused development toward a creative brief that is then used for concepting creative development that includes digital ad videos, static ad content pieces, PR elements, experiential concepting, and other elements to round out the campaign design. Additionally, the campaign is presented to the client for judging at district level, potentially semi-finals, and possibly finals depending on placement at each level. This past year the client was Indeed.com and the team placed 3rd in the nation placing ahead of nearly 100 other schools that competed and nearly 2000 students.
Number of students looking to work with:
5 or more
When students are needed:
Fall 2023
What students need to work with Dr. Thibault:
I've already been actively recruiting and will have students selected, but I'd welcome interest for the 2024-2025 project team.
What students would be doing:
conducting qualitative and quantitative research, developing strategically sound creative briefs based on consumer insights from research, concepting advertising and all marketing campaign elements for brand sponsor, creating all content for marketing elements from filmed ads to print to brand partnership elements to experiential ideas. Deliverables are all filmed and static content, a plans books and presentation of all materials in a "pitch" presentation format to client(s)
Time commitment for students:
Typically over the course of fall, interterm, and spring semesters students on the team generally put in more than 500 hours of work individually toward the team campaign development
Additional information:
This is an incredibly hands on learning opportunity for those interested in the advertising and marketing industries. Students this project team state they enjoy being able to put into practice what they learn in their advertising, marketing, research, etc. classes. They often share it's one of the most valuable learning experiences.