Dr. Nooshin Mohammadi Estakhri
Email: nmestakhri@chapman.edu
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/nooshinmestakhri/home?authuser=0
College: Fowler School of Engineering
Overview of scholarly research/creative activity:
Our research are in the areas of quantum information sciences, quantum optics, ultrafast optics, metamaterials and metasurfaces, and scattering phenomena.
Specific projects working on:
Specific areas of research include studying and developing operation protocols for various quantum processors, with applications in quantum computing, quantum communication, and quantum sensing. Other areas of research include studying the complex interactions of the quantum state of light with random media and artificially engineered surfaces providing insights into potential applications in quantum metrology, tomography, microscopy, and circuit and network design.
Number of students looking to work with:
When students are needed:
Fall 2023
Interterm 2024
Spring 2024
Summer 2024
What students need to work with Dr. Estakhri:
Interested to work on physics- and/or math-based projects.
What students would be doing:
literature research
lab experiments
Time commitment for students:
1-2 meeting(s) per week
5-10 hours commitment to project per week