AH 342 Black Subjects in White Art History: Fall 2021 Compendium


The scholars of Black Subjects in White Art History recognize that Chapman University was built from wealth produced and amassed through the exploitation of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) people. As such, we see it fit that Chapman University take steps towards making appropriate reparations, and suggest that this work begin with the removal of portrait busts prominently placed on campus that do not reflect the values stated here.

We acknowledge the importance of critical race theory and other decolonizing approaches towards educating the student body about America's role in the Transatlantic Slave Trade as well as the construction and perpetuation of systems, institutions, and ideologies that continue to oppress Black Americans. By doing this, we commit to empowering fellow students to break down elements of systemic racism that are intertwined within our civic and communal organizations. This will hopefully lead us to become responsible in advocating for social change in order to bring true equality and respect for everyone in our communities.

Additionally, we acknowledge the contributions which have been made by people of color in the formation of the United States, focusing in this compendium on the artistic contributions of Black Americans. In this acknowledgement, we set out to cultivate a campus founded on this recognition of the contributions of people of color which emphasizes inclusion, diversity, and acceptance.

In Solidarity,

The Scholars of Black Subjects in White Art History
Chapman University
Fall 2021

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