Creativity After Combat Main MenuExhibitionEvents and ProgrammingWhat is the Escalette Collection of Art?Jessica Bocinskia602570e86f7a6936e40ab07e0fddca6eccf4e9b
Veterans in the Escalette Collection of Art
1media/Annotation 2020-02-06 090441.jpgmedia/Annotation 2020-02-06 090611.jpg2020-02-11T20:58:54+00:00Jessica Bocinskia602570e86f7a6936e40ab07e0fddca6eccf4e9b15image_header932020-02-11T21:54:23+00:00Jessica Bocinskia602570e86f7a6936e40ab07e0fddca6eccf4e9bThe Escalette Collection has 80 artworks made by veteran artists whose service is not often discussed. Most of these artists, such as Sam Francis, Robert Rauschenberg, Roy Liechtenstein, and John Paul Jones served in the U.S. Army during World War II. We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge their service to our country. In this exhibition, we have highlighted the work of John Paul Jones, whose prints illustrate the emotional effects of war and the strength required to transition back into society.