Hostile Terrain 94: A Project by the Undocumented Migration Project at Chapman University

Raul Baltazar - A Selection of Video Works

This page presents a selection of Baltazar’s Video works as well as links to videos on the artist’s Vimeo account. Raul uses video in many forms, as documentation of performance work and as short narratives. Over the last 15 years Raul has continuously returned to the medium and creating an ongoing body of work, multilayered and with many recurring symbols, characters and themes. One iconic image within his oeuvre is Tochtli 7 the Aztec Bunny which appears in many of his videos. The regalia he uses in his performances transports him into character or better into the spirit to channel ancient rituals and gods in his seriously absurdist actions. In true trickster fashion he mischievously clashes ancient traditions with today’s postmodernist throwaway culture. The coyote in bunny costume exposes the abyss that lies in-between ancient faiths and their possibilities today and a media world that protects its copyright while serving a Babylonian goulash cooked up from indigenous myths and stories through appropriation and imperialistic and colonial sentiment.

Tochtli 7 (the Aztec Bunny) in Artist for President, 2008


Tochtli's Vision


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