Computer Science
Presenter(s): Nasser Aljasser, Travis Mayer, Jed Malashock
Advisor(s): Dr. LouAnne Boyd
Most schools do not have maps of the inside of buildings easily accessible for its visitors and students. This makes it difficult for anyone that is visiting a campus or is new to a campus to find their way around. We are going to address this challenge by providing an easy way to navigate map app that provides the internal room layouts for campus buildings- in particular, the Chapman University campus. Thanks to technology, a properly implemented campus map could be considered a big asset for students and faculty. In detail, Chapman Interactive eCampus Map is created with the objective of providing an easily accessible and navigable gateway for users to access university departments, buildings, classes, resources, and facilities. From a diversity and inclusion standpoint, our app will also provide features that can highlight ADA accessibility ramps and gender neutral bathrooms. The main aspect of Chapman maps is an indoor navigation system of a smart map which covers 2D smart campus map, outdoor environment, and navigation functionalities, with detailed 3D visualization. In the past few years, the growth of telecommunication networks and mobile devices, as well as the increase of urban environment and smart buildings, has grown a need for a digital campus map. We believe the Chapman Interactive eCampus Map would suffice this need.
Increasing Student Involvement on Campus to Promote Diversity and Inclusion Within Clubs
Presenter(s): Jadyn Gonzalez, Jack Gregov, Edmund Vu
Advisor(s): Dr. LouAnne Boyd
Club and event advertising on campus is limited to posted flyers, emails, and rush events that many students do not see or cannot attend due to their schedules. Our app aims to provide a single simple interface to help boost student involvement in clubs and activities on campus, while also promoting lesser known clubs on each user’s home page. We conducted and gathered data from a paper prototype and a digital wireframe. In order to address the issue of diversity and inclusion, we hope to include ways to increase diversity through search results (Rodygo L.T. Santos et. al., 2010) and present tailored clubs and activities to users through the interface (Sean A. Munson et. al., 2009). Based on user feedback, we are aiming to use a simplified interface with clear icons to guide the user and increase ease of use through optional touch and voice interfaces. We expect to find that users will prefer a simple, easy to use interface to find information about campus involvement, and that they will enjoy the diversity in their search results along with the tailored interface presentation to their preferences.
Presenter(s): Benjamin Kahn, Edmund Vu
Advisor(s): Dr. Michael Fahy
The goal of our project is to learn about in greater depth how computers interact one another, specifically in the area of creating rooms in which users can interact with one another outside from the general communications available to everyone. We plan to do this through a game of charades in which users attempt to guess words provided to them by the game. If the chosen player’s team is able to guess the word before the timer ends, that team will be given points based on their time. It will then be the other team’s turn to receive a word and guess. The players will be divided into two teams, and one player will be given a word at random. They will then attempt to convey the word to their teammates through one-word hints. This will require us to research several things, including website development and design, allowing users from outside of the game’s base network to be able to connect, limiting the number of users that can be connected to any one game at a time, and how to ensure that users cannot temper with our game in nefarious ways. By working on this project, we expect to develop a greater understanding of networking between computers, as well as further develop our coding skills.
Word Comms
Presenter(s): Ryan Millares, Yuki Chen, Rose Ramirez, Sebastian Ludlow
Advisor(s): Dr. Michael Fahy
The purpose of this project is to understand the foundation of multiplayer games by focusing on programming functionality on the backend, and to learn how client/server communication is applied in multiplayer games. Our project will involve use of a server program that will host the game, and two users running client programs to act as players. The client programs will allow the user to send input messages to the server and, depending on their player value, will be interpreted as a new word or a guess, and an appropriate response message will be sent back to the client programs. The intent is to have both client programs constantly waiting for response messages; if the player who is guessing sends a guess, the other player should be able to see it as well. The research question is how to use client server communication to make games into multiplayer games? How does information and data in game by each player communicate with each other, and potentially compare the score of each player? The expected results will be a multiplayer word guessing game similar to hangman. Players will be able to guess letters until they get the word right. scores will be added based on the number of correct letters, and the player with a higher score wins. By doing this project, we understand how multiplayer games are made, and how computer networks are communicated.
Web Scraping Web Application
Presenter(s): Gabriela Pinto, Samuel Ellenhorn, Mitch Melby, Max Miller, Billy Ross
Advisor(s): Dr. Michael Fahy
The original purpose of this project will be to learn how to make a full-stack web application that incorporates some computer networking concepts. Our idea for the project is to allow the user to save a list (or lists) of e-commerce products from any website. Although the user could hypothetically save this in their bookmark’s tab or save them in their notes; the user would be able to access this list anywhere and anytime. In the web application, the user pastes a URL link and the program will scrap through the given URL for the product name, price of the product, and a picture of the product. Some additional features include organizing the list by location (which will be used by the google maps API), sharing the website links with other users, and organizing the list by its price. My group and I plan to accomplish this using HTML, CSS, and some styling libraries for the front-end. The back-end of this project, which contains the logic to retrieve and process the information for the front end to display, will be written in Python. To store all the information--user authentication information, message, saved links--we will use a MySQL database. To speed up the development process we will use Django for user authentication and basic functionalities such as adding a link and constructing a login page. For version control, we will use Git. For project management, we will use Trello. For deployment, we will use either Heroku or AWS.
Data Communications and Networks: Research on APIs
Presenter(s): Meghana Shastri, Peter Chen, Audrey Bichelmeir
Advisor(s): Dr. Michael Fahy
The purpose of our project is to find out how to use an Application Programming Interface (API) to access information from a website and send that information to a user email. In this project, we get the top 10 news highlights through the Google News API and send it to our clients via email every morning. Our project also has a sign up process for our new clients. It allows our clients to input their emails, and we would put their emails to google sheets using the Google sheets API. We created this project in order to make it easier to notify users about current news without them having to search for news separately on google or any other site. Some of the technical challenges include having to only use Python or Java to create our program while using two APIs. There is also a technical challenge of establishing a socket connection on a server/client program in order to send information to an email, and if the socket connection fails, the program will not work. We expect that this project will get the top 10 news headlines using the Google News API and storing that information as a message, which will get sent out to an email from our google sheets database.