Student Scholar Symposium

Data Analytics

An In Depth Analysis of Metadata Pertaining to User Interaction with Audio Streaming Services
Presenter(s): Cadre Carrigan, Nima Nakhjavani, Justin Ewoldt, Vinny Caffaro
Advisor(s): Dr. Michael Fahy
Spotify was first launched in 2006, with the goal of providing an audio streaming platform consisting of music, videos, and podcasts from record labels and media companies.  Now, it reports 300 million active users each month.  An application of its popularity contains insurmountable metadata that can be analyzed to better understand the factors that contribute to one’s audio streaming preference. Spotify allows any user to apply for developer permissions which grants users access to Spotify’s data, including user data, in depth song analysis, and more. Using Spotify’s Web API, our team intends to discover patterns and gain insight on user preferences based on their region and other elements. Initially, our team will need to develop a better understanding of Spotify’s Application Program Interface (API). Being able to piece this together will be the platform which allows us to tackle the main focus of our research involving Spotify’s metadata. Applying adequate data manipulation and analysis, we will draw conclusions towards which variables are significant when determining user preference. The Spotify Web API endpoints return JSON metadata about music artists, albums, and tracks, directly from the Spotify Data Catalogue. The API also provides user related data such as songs they save and playlists they create, allowing us to critically examine all aspects of the streaming service. We expect drastic differences in music preference across selected regions, with the critical factor being the most prevalent language for that region. Additionally, we predict that distance between regions will be an insignificant variable for user preference. Using these results, we hope to grasp a better understanding in which the music industry makes decisions on releasing music, applies marketing techniques, and manages artists, while also seeing in which ways users are drawn to music. All in all, Spotify’s platform gives us the opportunity to explore the use of APIs as well as analyze practical data that many people can relate to.

Presenter(s): Aleksei Furlong, Eric Wasserman, Saman Kashanchi
Advisor(s): Dr. LouAnne Boyd
Most students use little to no resources that Chapman University provides when internship searching. This is due to two reasons: the assets and services are difficult to access as well students have little knowledge of them. The main objective of our project is to create an easy to navigate app for Chapman students that helps them with career outreach. There will be three main menus - Alumni Connect, Resume Building, and Event Outreach. Alumni Connect will allow Chapman students to reach out to Alumni in their field and see news about successful alumni in their field. Resume Building will give students templates of polished resumes for their major and students will be able to make appointments with resume specialists. Event Outreach will notify Chapman Students about events, clubs, or speakers on campus that might interest them or help with their career development. This is an app that is missing from the current Chapman community and there is definitely a user base for it. Our app also will be multi-modal allowing it to be accessible by a very diverse group of users. We believe this app will allow students to better utilize the resources that Chapman provides and will help facilitate finding the right internship.

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