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Religious Studies
1media/red wave.jpg2020-04-14T15:46:22+00:00Center for UG Excellence929059fe9a8db94662876b11cdef6e83b70e4c8137Oral-Session VIIplain2020-08-20T20:35:22+00:00Center for UG Excellence929059fe9a8db94662876b11cdef6e83b70e4c81
Student Scholar Symposium Abstract Presenter(s): Zoe Shapiro Advisor(s): Dr. Julye Bidmead In my research project, I seek to explore whether or not Judaism functions to disadvantage women through gender ideology that is justified by divine will outlined in interpretations of the Pentateuch. I argue that gender expectations gleaned from Genesis lie not within the Biblical text, but within the literary work of Biblical scholars. The Torah passages detailing the myths of the first woman and man have historically been interpreted as a divine indicator of clear gender differentiation. Varying hermeneutical approaches to Genesis produce a myriad of conflicting commentary, yet traditional Jewish interpretations of the first woman and man are chiefly hierarchical in nature. I theorize that the differences between men and women's roles within Judaism are attributed to institutionalized patriarchy perpetuated by pervasive Jewish scholarship. A longstanding tradition of regarding women as subordinate has resulted in the restriction of women’s roles and authority within the Jewish faith. To investigate this inquiry, I will report data production through qualitative research gathered through the conduction of interviews with Jewish women. I chose only to interview women to amplify the voice of a historically silenced population. To protect the identity of my interviewees, I will refer to them by assigned pseudonyms. I will also support my claims and findings with scholarly research and follow a framework of feminist methodology and theory.