Brad Vetter
"It is important to me, as a letterpress printer, to acknowledge the medium in a contemporary context. The traditions and techniques of letterpress have been with us for centuries, yet the utilitarian nature of the process seems to be changing. Letterpress has been rendered irrelevant as other forms of communication far surpass letterpress in speed and quantity. Therefore, it’s main function is no longer to communicate, but to engage. The process becomes a celebration of both its own history and the new context that we as makers create for it. It is important for me to understand and respect the traditions of letterpress, but then expand to create a more relevant context for the work I create.
My life as a graphic designer allows me to spend most of my time being creative for clients. Printing show posters becomes a break from the sometimes monotonous digital design world I live in from time to time. The idea of the show poster has changed over the years from something used as to get people to the show, to a merchandise item that is more of a celebration of that particular show and the band itself. These posters no longer need to be read quickly from a distance allowing me, as the designer, to create something a little more concept driven and intricate in detail. I have always really appreciated the utilitarian purpose of the poster throughout history, whether to incite a revolution, fight injustice or simply get people to a show. Understanding this context is something I am constantly struggling with in terms of trying to make something that feels that important, that is relevant today in one way or another."