Creativity After Combat Main MenuExhibitionEvents and ProgrammingWhat is the Escalette Collection of Art?Jessica Bocinskia602570e86f7a6936e40ab07e0fddca6eccf4e9b
Young Survivor
1media/2020.1.11_thumb.jpg2020-02-05T18:43:18+00:00Jessica Bocinskia602570e86f7a6936e40ab07e0fddca6eccf4e9b11Matthew J. Bindert, Young Survivor, Relief woodcut, 2013. Purchased with funds from the Escalette Endowment.plain2020-02-05T18:43:18+00:00Jessica Bocinskia602570e86f7a6936e40ab07e0fddca6eccf4e9b
1media/2020.1.11.jpgmedia/2020.1.11.jpg2020-02-06T00:04:54+00:00Young Survivor by Matthew J. Bindert2plain2020-02-11T22:15:27+00:00 Veteran: Guadalupe “Lupe” R., US Marine Corps
Artist Statement: This print “Young Survivor” is in honor of the service of Corporal Guadalupe “Lupe” R. of the United States Marine Corps. It was an amazing experience and privilege sitting down with Lupe, hearing his story and looking through his photos from Vietnam. It was clear from our discussion that he felt if his and other Veterans stories were not told that less would be learned from War. The dark chaotic scene depicts his horrific experiences in combat, clinging to and looming over the portrait of a brave young Lupe. The composition opens representing a survivor who persevered through the disasters of war and was able to travel the world and achieve so much after. The subtle white on white portrait of Lupe wearing multiple medals he received is also meant to demonstrate that his sacrifice and courage while serving our country should not be forgotten and that there is much to be learned from him and others who have served.