Images and Imaginings of Internment: Comics and Illustrations of Camp


The Teams

Research Leads: Stephanie Takaragawa and Winston Andrus 
Student Researchers: Eva Wong, Bradley Carol, Annie Okuhara, Larkin McBride, Bernadine Cortina, Jerry Zou

Physical Exhibition
Lead Curator: Jessica Bocinski 
Team: Henry Littleworth, Stephanie Takaragawa, Jan Osborn, Annie Tang, Allison Devries 

Virtual Exhibition 
Lead Curator: Jessica Bocinski 
Team: Henry Littleworth, Fiona Bumgarner, Bradley Carol 

Pedagogical Research and Practicum 
Pedagogical Lead: Jan Osborn 
Team: Jessica Bocinski, Stephanie Takaragawa, and Allison Devries 

Project Illustrator: Henry Littleworth 

Exhibition Preparators: Justin and Josh Landis
Special thanks to Allison Devries (Manager of Grants Development and Administration for the Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences), Dr. Jennifer Keene (Dean of Wilkinson College), Rei Magosaki (Associate Professor, English at Chapman University), and Dani Espiritu (Administrative Assistant, Sociology, Wilkinson College) for their support of this project. 

This project was born out of a graduate seminar on visual representation of the Japanese American incarceration in Spring 2020 taught by Dr. Stephanie Takaragawa at Chapman University. Along with graduate student Winston Andrus, the idea for an exhibition of comics generated inside and outside the camps during WWII arose during the course of this class.

In Fall 2020, Takaragawa was awarded a Chapman University Innovation in Diversity and Inclusion Research, Scholarly and Creative Activity Grant to begin work on this project. Working with student research assistant, Winston Andrus, Takagarwa identified archival materials, images, and comics that feature the internment for this project. 

Jessica Bocinski, Collections Manager of the Escalette Collection of Art at Chapman University, joined the team as the Lead Curator for the online and physical exhibition. Dr. Jan Osborn serves as Humanities advisor for the project and directs and oversees pedagogical issues for the website. 

This activity is funded by the California Civil Liberties Public Education Program. 

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