La Frontera/The Border: An Interdisciplinary Examination


Borders divide people, laws, and environments; across them flow people, legal and illegal goods, money, and more. During Fall 2019, Chapman University embarked on a campus-wide interrogation of border issues, particularly those surrounding the U.S.-Mexico border.

Drawing from the humanities, social sciences, journalism, law, and visual and performing arts, courses examined borders through interdisciplinary perspectives. A number of public events also encouraged the campus and wider community to examine the controversial issues surrounding borders. Throughout the semester Chapman University Students, Staff, Faculty and visitors were invited to join a book club, tour the art exhibitions, attend lectures, and more.

This project culminated in a conference from November 14th-16th that brought leading scholars, artists, and journalists to Chapman University, and offered space for student presentations. By engaging in multi-disciplinary examination of this topic, we hope our community came away better informed and prepared to be engaged global citizens.

This website seeks to document this campus-wide project and make it accessible for years to come. In this site you'll find more information about the artists and art featured in the four exhibitions during Fall, 2019, as well as images and video from a variety of events. 

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