Natalia Anciso
Anciso has taught art to a diverse array of youth through non-profit organizations and has facilitated various art workshops as a guest lecturer and speaker to undergraduates, Master’s and Doctoral students. Her contributions as an Artist have been acknowledged by The Huffington Post, who identified her as one of “13 Latina Artists Under 35 You Should Know,” as well as Latina Magazine, which named her as an Innovator in their Latina 30 Under 30 list of Celebrities, Style Stars, Innovators, and Influencers. She was featured in ELLE Magazine’s 30th Anniversary Portfolio, titled, “This is 30.” The portfolio highlights 35 women who are recognized as “outstanding musicians, comedians, politicians, artists, activists, novelists, athletes, and actors” who turned 30 in 2015. TVyNovelas (USA) named her to their “Lideres de la Hispanidad/Los 50 hispanos más importantes de hoy” (Hispanic Leaders/ Top 50 Latinos) list of accomplished Latinos from all over the world. Recently, she was featured on the cover of Caliber Magazine (University of California, Berkeley), which ran a story on her life as an artist, educator, and mother.
She has also been covered by the likes of Travel+Leisure, Daily Kos, and Fortune. Her work has also appeared in several publications including The A-Z of Leadership (Iniva Creative Learning, 2015), Bringing Human Rights Education to US Classrooms: Exemplary Models from Elementary Grades to University by Susan Katz and Andrea McEvoy Spero (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015), New Art, New Markets by Iain Robertson (Lund Humphries, 2018), and the forthcoming book, Meditación Fronteriza: Poems of Love, Life, and Labor by Norma Elia Cantú (The University of Arizona Press, 2019).
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- Natalia Anciso, Two Spics and a Dude (Smile Series), 2011
- Natalia Anciso, Mexican Hat (Smile Series), 2012
- Natalia Anciso, Smile Series (detail 3), 2011-2015
- Natalia Anciso, Tios (Smile Series), 2015
- Natalia Anciso, IA's (Smile Series), 2012
- Natalia Anciso, Smile Series, 2011-2015
- Natalia Anciso, Smile Series (detail 2), 2011-2015
- Natalia Anciso, Smile Series (detail), 2011-2015