Celebrating LGBTQIA+ Pride Month at the Leatherby LibrariesMain MenuIntroductionIdentities and Place: Changing Labels and Intersectional Communities of LGBTQ and Two-Spirit People in the United StatesThe Experiences of Queer Students of Color at Historically White Institutions: Navigating Intersectional Identities on CampusThe Savvy Ally: A Guide for Becoming a Skilled LGBTQ+ AdvocateSexual Orientation and Teacher Identity: Professionalism and LGBTQ Politics in Teacher Preparation and PracticeHow We Fight for Our Lives: A MemoirComing Out! A Documentary Play about Gay Life & Liberation in the U.S.A.Supporting Success for LGBTQ+ Students: Tools for Inclusive Campus PracticeThe Case of Alan Turing: The Extraordinary and Tragic Story of the Legendary CodebreakerQueer and Trans Migrations: Dynamics of Illegalization, Detention, and DeportationA Positive View of LGBTQ: Embracing Identity and Cultivating Well-BeingShe/He/They/Me: For the Sisters, Misters, and Binary ResistersCome Out, Come Out, Whoever You AreWhich Side Are You On? 20th Century American History in 100 Protest SongsTo a More Perfect Union: U.S. v. WindsorAcknowledgements
She He They Me
1media/She He They Me-min_thumb.jpg2021-05-18T21:44:13+00:00Rachel Karas18684fea626f7d5d7f977e613f3d26fd8c2cc6b41321Book cover of “She He They Me: For the Sisters, Misters, and Binary Resisters,” by Robyn Ryle. White background. Different gender symbols, along with variations on the standard gender symbols, colored in rainbow gradients, form a circle. The title is inside the circle, with the first three words in black font and the word “ME” in rainbow gradient font mimicking handwriting. The subtitle is below the circle, in black font except for the words “Binary Resisters,” which are again in a rainbow gradient handwriting font. The author’s name is at the bottom in black font.plain2021-05-18T21:44:13+00:00Rachel Karas18684fea626f7d5d7f977e613f3d26fd8c2cc6b4
This unique choose-your-own adventure book explores gender and identity in a fun, creative way. Start at the beginning, see where you end up, and enjoy the journey!