AH 342 Black Subjects in White Art History: Fall 2021 Compendium

A Kerry James Marshall Inspiration

I chose to focus this project on the artist Kerry James Marshall. Marshall is a painter and while researching how he goes about painting, I learned that he typically paints large pieces on an unstretched canvas. He also uses acrylic paint. I focused on his untitled painting of a policeman sitting on top of  his car. I liked the irony of this painting considering the black community is a target for law enforcement so to see a person that has been historically victimized by policemen be one himself is interesting. Therefore, I wanted to make this specific to Chapman and make the man a public safety officer in the irony of Chapman having a predominantly white population with several racist events happening in the past. It is intriguing  to think about this black man protecting these students. I personally do not paint nor am I good at it, but trying to emulate something Marshall has created was a fun experience. I particularly enjoyed the challenge of shading the man’s face. Because his entire body is the same color, it was fun to mix different shades in order to find shadows or highlights on his face.  


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